Monday, November 10, 2008


you tell me to keep an open mind
yet your mind is closed
you tell me to accept your religion, lifestyle, and beliefs
yet you refuse to accept mine
you tell me i need to "do what is right for you."
yet when i do it, it offends you
you say that we need to change things in this world for the better
yet when i try to change it for the better, in your eyes, it's wrong
you scream "tolerance! tolerance!"
yet you have none for those that believe differently than you

i'll've kept an open mind. but it was so open your brain fell out.
you all say that you're all different but all i see is a bunch of robots chanting a slogan over and over.
you were born an origional: you are dying a copy.
you're strengh in modern philosophies has become your weakness.
your motto's for change have turned into idiocy.
your originality has turned into conformity
you are a follwer: not a leader

so just to let you know... next time you're telling me i need to be more tolerant of your way of living, i am going to say the same thing to you. i will not conform to anything that you stand for because i answer to an Authority that is greater than yours! and His law has more power than any of yours

Tuesday, November 4, 2008


you know, it so weird. for the past several weeks i've constantly had the election on my mind and i've gotten more and more nervous about it every day. so many times i'd listen to what was on the news and i'd sit down and just think "crap! AMERICA IS SCREWED!!"

i've worried about this day for so long and knew that i would feel completely helpless when it came because i know i can't do anything about it.
i've worried about my future, my parent's future, my grandparent's future. not knowing what lies ahead and scared at the possible reality of what might happen. not knowing if life as i know it is going to dramatically change absolutely scares me to death. facing the unknown always scares me & so many times i've wondered if God was really in control.

but today...things changed. this morning when i woke up, i prayed for the outcomes the election. not knowing which way it would go but fearing the worst. when i finished my prayer and started getting ready for my day; it hit me. a supernatual peace came over me & it felt like God put His arms around me and said "Everything is going to be ok. I am still in control." it was so weird(but in a good way).i had the feeling that things were most likely going to change for the worst but in that moment that feeling of peace said that even if things do take a turn for the worst it was still going to be ok. my God had not forgetten

so many times in my life i went through extremely difficult times & wondered if God was in control. or if He even cared. but now i look back and realize that He went with me through all those times. holding me, comforting me, letting me know that everything would work out for the best in the end. and now i realize that He stayed true to His word and it has. and even now He is still in control.

i think that everyone needs to realize, whether you belive in God or not, that everything happens for a reason. difficult and uncertain times like this are for a reason. God is in control. He has not forgotten the rightous that live among a wicked people. and even though we may suffer through these times we need to remember that we have a God that is bigger than all evil in this world and He will protect His people if we remain faithful to Him.