Monday, August 17, 2009


well, here i am in my senior year and i gotta feels kind of weird. my very last year of the nightmare we call high school. it's definatly exciting but in a way it's somewhat scary.
so many people are constantly breathing down your neck to hurry up and make decisions about your future. parents, teachers, councilers, the annoying speakers that visit your high school so that they can convince you to spend an ungodly amount of money at their university.
i have come to the conclusion that so many things in this life are unsure. even if you plan everything out perfectly things are still going to change. life is unpredictable. so even if i have my entire future planned out something's gonna happen and i'll have to change my plans. honestly i'm not 100% sure on what i want to do.
i have several dreams and aspirations but i'm not sure if any of them will happen. some things are just so unsure right now. i've decided that i'm going to be smart about my future and make plans but try to be flexible when things change. i'll go ahead and pursue what i desire most and if that's not what i'm supossed to be doing then i know that things will work out in the end.
God has given me such an incredible peace about my future and i know that things will come together perfectly for His purpose. i am going to leave an unknown future in the hands of an all-knowing God.