Wednesday, March 11, 2009


hey everybody! sorry it's been a while. i kinda suck at this whole blogging thing. but i'm back and just wanted to share a thought or 2 with you.

i was doing my Bible reading last night and i came across this verse...

"A fool shows his annoyance at once,
but a prudent man overlooks an insult."
Proverbs 12:16 NIV

when i read that verse God totally convicted me. so many times when someone says something to me that just makes me mad, i just want to get so pissed off and scream right in their face without thinking about it. but i ALWAYS feel bad about it afterwards and wish that i had never said anything. the Bible says that a FOOL does that. i guess God's just been working on my whole patience issue and hopefully i'll improve so i won't be sticking my foot in my mouth all the time.

*peace and love everybody!

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